Educator Survey


First and foremost, thank you so much for all that you do. Being on the front lines of education is no easy task, and we commend you for your hard work and passion.  We would also like to say thank you for supporting the mission and cause of History in Your Hands. We love every opportunity further history education, while providing a resource that students will remember!

The survey below is designed to give our organization quality feedback that is quantifiable and can be utilized to make us the best we can be! Thank you for taking the time to fill it out.



Although we provide our Traveling Classroom Exhibits at no cost to teachers, we still rely on donors to make what we do possible. We are always appreciative of any support we receive.  If you are unable to contribute monetarily, we still highly encourage you to help spread the word about our organization. Please visit and like our FACEBOOK page, and feel free to post any pictures of your class or activities you did with our exhibits!